Zambelli Holding GmbH
Passauer Str. 3+5
D-94481 Grafenau
Phone: +49 (0) 85 55 409 - 0
Domicile Grafenau
District Haus im Wald
Local Court of Passau HRB 1292
Managing Directors
Andreas von Langsdorff
Josef Miggisch
VAT identification number
for Zambelli Holding GmbH
pursuant to Sec. 27 a Value-added Tax Act (UStG): DE330715735
Note: This is the VAT ID number of Zambelli Holding GmbH. Kindly enquire with your personal contact if you need the VAT ID number of another company in the Zambelli Group.
Technical Realization
NETPROFIT Werbeagentur
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Nibelungenplatz 2
D-94032 Passau
Zambelli Holding GmbH Passauer Straße 3+5, D-94481 Grafenau/Haus im Wald
Phone +49 85 55 409 0 E-Mail